Professional Development

Canada Wide Science Fair 2018: May 2018

I was a delegate representing Southeast Saskatchewan in Ottawa at the Canada Wide Science Fair.

Violent Threat Risk Assessment Training Level 1: October 2017.

I complete my violent risk assessment training.  This experience gives me the skills and knowledge to aid and conduct actual visual threat/risk assessments.

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Treaty Education in Arts Ed.: 2016

This experience featured including Hip Hop as a way to incorporate treaty education into the arts.  This presentation by Brad Bellegarde gave me plenty of ideas and resources for incorporating treaty education in a contemporary way.


Resistance & Reconciliation: 2016

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 12.04.17 AMThis URSTARS event featured a fishbowl discussion talking about privilege and what it means as educators to take upon the role of the calls to action in the TRC. Numerous speakers, including life- speaker Noel Starblanket, Dr. Mike Cappelo, Dr. Shauneen Pete, and two teachers from Regina Public talked about how to include Indigenous perspectives into education.


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Blanket Exercise Training: 2016

The Blanket Exercise is a simulation that is used to simulate the experiences First Nations, Métis and Inuit people have faced in regards to Canada’s past of colonization. For more information on the blanket exercise check out Kairos’s website.



Gender and Sexual Diversity: Storytelling with Laura Budd: 2016

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In this experience I was able to gain knowledge on how to support LGBTQ students in the classroom.  Sexual Diversity Consultant Laura Budd was the presenter and provided resources and books for teachers to access.  Conversation was had about Laura’s life as a transgendered female provided me with alternative perspectives.


Project Wet: 2016Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 12.03.08 AM

Project Wet provided me with science resources revolving around water conservation and water sustainability.  I have gained numerous resources that I hope to use in my classroom.


STARS Regina Sharing Circle: January 29th, 2015

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STARS (Student Teachers Anti-Oppressive/Anti-Racism Society) Regina provided an opportunity to come and talk about anti-racist pedagogy, as well as what social justice education looks like.  We explored Aboriginal perspectives and participated in a sharing circle.


Dealing with Drugs and Alcohol in the School: 2014



Regina Public Police Department came to the University of Regina to put on a presentation providing information regarding students and alcohol and drug related problems.  The school resource officer brought in different samples of drugs for pre-service teaching to be aware of in the teaching profession.


Technology in Teaching and Learning: 2014




Alec Couros, a technology professor at the University of Regina, put on a workshop that provided teachers with resources and tools that can be used to help integrate technology into the classroom.


Learning by Doing: Interactive Lessons to Teach about Social Justice: 2014



A presentation by Engineers Without Borders, presenting their lesson that ties to the science curriculum of water filtration.  The activity focuses on the privilege to have clean water and the resources to provide water filtration.


Teaching Treaties in the Classroom: 2014



A two-day workshop put on by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner that provided pre-service teachers the opportunity to create and develop content that connected the Saskatchewan Treaty Education Outcomes.



Addressing Cyberbullying in the Classroom:2014



A presentation by the Regina Police Department addressing the impact of cyberbullying in the classroom.  The school resource officer provided insight as to what applications and what a teacher can do when cyberbullying is suspecting or is happening.


Teaching Technology in the Classroom: 2013


Alec Couros, a technology professor at the University of Regina, put on a workshop that provided teachers with resources and tools that can be used to help integrate technology into the classroom.


Technology Event put on by Joanna Sanders: 2013



Regina Teacher Joanna Sanders provided information regarding becoming a Google certified teacher. As well as talking about her experiences with technology in the classroom.



Removing Language Barriers: Teaching EAL Students: 2013




Removing Language Barriers, taught strategies, and shared experiences of EAL students in Regina.









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